CRUEL LIAR cheater government employee puneet refuses to admit that his massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY since 2010 has adversely affected the lifestyle of his btech classmate

To cover up his massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY since 2010, CRUEL LIAR cheater government employee puneet hacking smartphone to make videos
One of the most CRUEL LIAR government employees ONLINE FRAUDSTERS in india is the extremely CRUEL LIAR cheater government employee puneet who FAKED FRIENDSHIP with his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, a single woman engineer who he actually HATED to ROB everything from her and get all his lazy greedy cunning cheater girlfriends like siddhi mandrekar, haryana human monster ruchita kinge, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, greedy gujju fraud stock trader amita patel no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector, with the stolen data of his female classmate

Instead of having the honesty and humanity to admit that his massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY has caused great financial losses to the single woman enginer, ruined her lifestyle since she is making very less money, despite working long hours while his shameless fraud real domain fraudster girlfriends like ruchita kinge have plenty of free time and money, to spend their time in the swimming pool of 5 star american hotels with daily room rent of Rs 7000, the cruel cunning cheater puneet continues to harass the domain investor, engineer, whose resume, savings, data, correspondence he has robbed since 2010.
The cheater puneet is allegedly hacking the smartphone of the domain investor, and when she watches videos to relax, he is allegedly getting and circulating the footage of the house , refusing to admit that his massive financial fraud has caused great losses and left the single woman engineer with very less free time for housekeeping

Due to FAKE team FRAUD of cunning cheater top government employees, domain investor does not have time for home maintenance

Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet spreading FAKE team rumors to run a government SLAVERY racket on his female btech 1993 ee classmate,denying her the right to equality since 2010

One of the most DISHONEST CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR ONLINE FRAUDSTERs in india is the Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet spreading FAKE team rumors to run a government SLAVERY racket on his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, who he HATES, ROBBINg all her data to make fake claims about his lazy greedy cheater girlfriends to get all his lazy greedy girlfriends like haryana human monster cheater ruchita kinge, indore fraud deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshreee, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector.
The Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet is aware that his lazy greedy FRAUD real girlfriends who he has got no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector have never done any computer work, do not invest money online, yet being the greatest ONLINE FRAUDSTER in india, he continues to make up FAKE team stories so that his fraud girlfriends get very less money, while his female btech 1993 ee classmate is making almost nothing because of the government SLAVERY, fake team stories of Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet

Even maidservants are paid for the work they do, yet because of the FAKE team fraud of Extremely CUNNING CRUEL CHEATER LIAR brahmin top indian government employee puneet,a smooth operator, high class conman, the government refuses to acknowledge the computer work of the single woman engineer and is making up FAKE stories about its lazy greedy fraud employees who do not do any computer work since 2010

Since the domain investor has to work long hours for very less money due to indian government ONLINE SLAVERY, she has very less time for home maintenance.

Haryana EXTORTION RACKET targetting older single woman helps gurugram top cheater raw employee ruchita kinge lead a lavish lifestyle

Media reports indicate that haryana is become the top place for cybercrime in the last few years, with gurugram and nuh in haryana listed in top 6 places where cybercriminals reside. However the mainstream media refuses to cover the indian, haryana government policy of rewarding cybercriminals, online fraudsters with no work, no investment government jobs faking domain ownership, bank account since 2010, with gurugram, haryana human monster fraud raw employee ruchita kinge, full time human resources manager at optum being the main beneficiary of the haryana EXTORTION, CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL FRAUD racket since 2010
Though haryana human monster fraud raw employee ruchita kinge studied in dyal singh college,karnal with the help of her powerful boyfriends puneet, arya, verma,sumit, she managed to fake a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, robbing the resume, savings, data of a single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper who she and her boyfriends hated, criminally defamed so that the resume robbery, financial fraud was not exposed
Additionally though haryana’s top cheater raw employee ruchita kinge was working in office of reputed companies like vinove, niit, deloitte, conduent, optum, she was one of the greatest beneficiaries of the massive work at home fraud run by SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR indian tech, internet companies, falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account, domains of the single woman engineer who she and her associates criminally defamed, cheated, exploited and robbed
So in addition the Rs 15 lakh salary she is getting from optum as human resources managed, haryana’s top online fraudster raw employee ruchita kinge is also getting a monthly government salary for faking domain ownership including this one, paypal, bank account like other fraud raw/cbi employees.
Due to the government policy of rewarding online fraudsters like Haryana human monster fraud raw employee ruchita kinge she has plenty of money, leads a very lavish lifestyle, regularly visiting posh expensive restaurants which charge Rs 1000 per meal or more based on information the robber ruchita posts on her social media account while the single woman engineer, haryana has ruthlessly CHEATED, EXPLOITED, ROBBED is making great losses
Yet showing the lack of honesty and humanity of haryana and its top human monster fraud raw employee ruchita kinge , she refuses to legally purchase the domains paying market price or pay the domain renewal fees though she is getting a monthly government salary for faking domain ownership, spends Rs 1000 per meal and has plenty of money to lead a very lavish lifestyle
Instead showing that the government, raw is openly involved in a massive online fraud, the government agencies are spreading fake rumors that the powerful boyfriends puneet, arya, verma,sumit , especially from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, who hate the single woman and have never helped are paying for the domains, when it can be legally proved that the government employees do not pay any money for the domains at all, though they make fake claims about domain ownership cheating a private citizen.

CUNNING CHEATER indore officials/leaders running EXTORTION racket refuse to admit that it has adversely affected the victims lifestyle

To cover up madhya pradesh government SLAVERY racket, FRAUD LIAR indore officials are always criticizing the single woman engineer who they have CHEATED,EXPLOITED, ROBBED

domains are not free , the GREEDY SHAMELESS CHEATERF LIAR madhya pradesh government, FRAUD LIAR indore officials/leaders are aware that their favorite FRAUD indore’s top CYBERCRIMINAL CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena like the other fraud government employees cheater puneet, google employee prakash from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay have never paid any money for domains any time in their life
Yet the madhya pradesh government FRAUD LIAR indore officials/leaders are running the greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, EXTORTION RACKET to get indore’s top CYBERCRIMINAL CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena a monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership, bank account, online income.
Due to the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION and madhya pradesh government SLAVERY racket, FRAUD LIAR indore officials, the real domain investor, a single woman engineer has to work very long hours, doing computer work, to make money to pay the domain renewal fees

Though the domain ownership, financial fraud of the CHEATERF LIAR madhya pradesh government, FRAUD LIAR indore officials/leaders has made their their favorite FRAUD indore’s top CYBERCRIMINAL CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena extremely wealthy with assets of more than Rs 10 crores she refuses to purchase even a single domain though the indian government continues to waste tax payer money paying a monthly salary to indore domain fraudster raw employee deepika/veena
The extremely CUNNING CHEATER LIAR indore officials/leaders are aware that their great fraud has adversely affected the lifestyle of the real domain investor, government SLAVERY victim, she has no time to maintain her house,for housekeeping
yet instead of having pity on their fraud victim, they are always criticizing the condition of the house and trying to justify their endless financial fraud, government SLAVERY
Even maidservants are paid for the time they spend working , only the indian tech, internet companies, state governments especially madhya pradesh are extremely brutal in their government SLAVERY of online workers, refusing to pay anything instead making fake claims about indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena who is only COOKING, CLEANING for her fraud family

Indore EXTORTION racket since 2010, adversely affecting the lifestyle of real domain investor

One of best proofs of the government SLAVERY racket run by the SHAMELESS FRAUD LIAR indian tech and internet companies is Indore cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena only wants to do CLEANING, housekeeping work and then using CYBERCRIME, STOLEN DATA falsely claims credit for online work to get a monthly government salary like goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, gurugram’s top fraud mba ruchita kinge, other raw/cbi employees
After blocking the account, payment from almost all non-russian websites, the domain investor was trying some russian websites, and now finds that some payment is blocked because the indian government, raw is falsely giving credit, monthly salary to Indore cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena who does not spend time doing work.
Like in the case of the paypal account, Indore top cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena does not want to open her own payeer account, spend time doing computer work. Instead though Indore cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena only wants to do CLEANING, housekeeping,cooking work, supervising her maidservants so that her house is in perfect condition.
Then with the help of SHAMELESS FRAUD LIAR indore officials/leaders continuing their EXTORTION racket making fake allegations without proof against the domain investor, online worker so that indore’s top online fraudster LIAR raw/cbi employee deepika/veena can falsely claim credit, get monthly government salary in a case of government SLAVERY which adversely affects the lifestyle of real domain investor who has very less free time, money for housekeeping

Extortion racket of 5 GREEDY CHEATER states on goa 1989 jee topper, adversely affecting her lifestyle

In one of the greatest extortion rackets in india, 5 CHEATER states, goa, haryana, madhya pradesh, gujarat, karnataka are falsely labelling the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer , harmless private citizen, a security threat without any proof at all since 2010, to justify the resume robbery, human rights abuses, financial fraud on the harmless single woman engineer, which is then used to get lucrative no work, no investment raw/cbi jobs for lazy greedy housewives, call girls and other frauds from the state.
Yet showing that the 5 states are clearly running an extortion racket only for RESUME ROBBERY, they fail to explain why the the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, a security threat when she was 17 when she first came to mumbai for studies, when she was 21, or even when she was 29 when she left her job . The domain investor, engineer has largely lived and worked in the same area of mumbai for more than 20 years without being labelled a security threat till 2010, She has not visited most of the states anytime or at least not in the last 10-20 years, and she lived in goa, only because she invested a large amount in property there.

Only after the engineer starting making more money in 2010, she was labelled a security threat, and though in 2023 she is making far less more than what she was making in 1993 due to government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD on her, the 5 greedy CHEATER states continue to hysterically make fake allegations to run india’s greatest extortion racket, causing great financial losses to the single woman, adversely affecting her lifestyle

Greedy BANKING FRAUDSTER CYBERCRIMINAL raw/cbi employees lived in posh well maintained houses after ruthlessly ROBBING, CHEATING single woman engineer

In one of india’s greatest CYBERCRIME, banking fraud rackets raw/cbi are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees who have never invested any money in domains, do not do computer work, own the paypal, bank account, domains of a private citizen, single woman engineer who is paying a huge amount for domains, is CRIMINALLY DEFAMED in the worst manner to cover up the government SLAVERY, banking, financial fraud
This exposes the extreme DISHONESTY, GREED of high status, respectable LIAR raw/cbi employees who are ruthlessly CHEATING, EXPLOITING a hardworking single woman engineer who they are aware is working more than 10 hours daily without a holiday yet is CRIMINALLY DEFAMED as idle, lazy.
the shameless lazy liar greedy raw/cbi employees are falsely claiming that they are doing the computer work, when the raw/cbi employees are actually mostly COOKING, CLEANING for crooked husbands who control them, arrange for data theft , cybercrime , bribes for government officials
Since they get a very good monthly government salary for FAKING bank account, domain ownership, without spending any time and money , the raw/cbi employees have plenty of time and money to take good care of their house, so their houses are posh and well maintained
To cover up the government SLAVERY, the LIAR government agencies are falsely claiming that the single woman engineer is a proxy for government employees like the cheater puneet who HATE her, when there is no connection at all.
This government SLAVERY racket since 2010, exposes the ruthlessness of the rich, powerful, high status, respectable raw/cbi employees in CHEATING, ROBBING the single woman engineer who they hate, these DOMAIN FRAUDSTER raw/cbi employees will pay their maidservant money for the work she does like cleaning, yet refuse to acknowledge the computer work the single woman engineer is doing, instead falsely claiming credit using stolen data when they do not spend time and getting monthly government salaries at the expense of the single woman

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Even african countries are shocked by indian government, raw/cbi computer work fraud, making fake claims about their housewife employees married to rich men, have good lifestyle

sindhi domain fraudsters

Even african countries are shocked by indian government, raw/cbi computer work fraud, making fake claims about their housewife employees married to rich men
Women married to rich men, usually have a very good lifestyle, live in well maintained houses, since their husband is making enough money
These housewives do not have any interest in doing computer work
Yet exposing the endless frauds of indian government agencies like raw/cbi, since 2010, indian government agencies are viciously slandering a hardworking single woman engineer and falsely claiming that the wives of rich men like kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who have no computer, internet skills are doing all the computer work, to pay them monthly government salaries while the single engineer is viciously defamed
This government computer work fraud has shocked even the african countries like kenya