Instant water heater does not heat water properly


Though the instant water heater which the domain investor purchased had isi mark, from a company based in Gurugram, haryana, it is of poor quality, the water is not heating properly
Initially after the heater is switched on the water is getting heated.
Later the water is not getting heated, despite keeping the heater on for a long time.
It appears that there is a major problem with the thermostat used in the instant water heater
Since the water is not heating, the users are forced to use an electric kettle to heat the water.

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Some flat owners are converting their balcony into bedrooms

In most areas, the rental and resale value of a two bedroom house is higher than a one bedroom house.
So many home owners are converting their balcony into bedrooms
The original bedroom is expanded into two smaller bedrooms for greater privacy for family members.
The hall will also look larger if there is no balcony
However the beams are removed when the balcony is converted into bedroom/hall, and this can cause structural damage